Saturday, July 10, 2010


Joshua 3:1-3 "And Joshua rose early in teh morning; and they removed from Shittim, and came to Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they passed over. And it came to pass after three days, that the officers went through the host; And they commanded the people, saying, When ye see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests the Levites bearing it, then ye shall remove from your plasce, and go after it."

Joshua 3:11 "Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth passeth over before you into Jordan."

Joshua 3:14 "And it came to pass, when the people removed from their tents, to pass over Jordan, and the priests bearing the ark of the covenant before the people;"

The children of Israel are about to go in to possess the land that, for 40 long years, they had looked forward to. They had been promised this land and the fulfillment of this promise was about to become a realization. For 40 years, they had wandered, defeated, in the wilderness, but TODAY was the day of victory for them. Their life was about to change.

Many of us can give testimony to the fact that the course of ones life can be changed in an instant, by the happenings of one event. Perhaps an accident, a phone call with bad news, an terminal diagnosis, the failure of child. Whatever the reason, life can change in an instant. Today's joys may be turned into tomorrow's sadness and likewise, as with the Children of Israel in our passage, yesterday's sorrows and heartaches may be turned into tomorrow's happiness and thrill.

Life was about to change for the children of Israel. After 40 years of wilderness wanderings, they were GOING IN! What happened that changed their lives?

The ark of the covenant is perhaps the most important piece of furniture in Jewish history. This ark had been present with the Israelites on their journey. The ark contained the very presence of the Lord. Throughout their journeys, they POSSESSED the presence of God, yet they still complained and murmured against the leadership. They were unhappy with the manna that God had provided. They were hungry, they were thirsty, they were miserable! All this while the presence of the Lord was in their midst. So what was different about THIS day?

I suggest to you, the POSITION of their PRIZED POSSESSION - The ark of the covenant. Notice in verse 3 of Joshua chapter 3, the officers commanded the people that when they see the priests the Levites bearing the ark, then "ye shall remove from your place, and go AFTER it." The ark of the covenant was NOW placed out front. Instead of the presence of the Lord being merely in the midst, It was now in the lead. The children of Israel were to "follow" the presence of the Lord. Notice in verse 11 it says "Behold the ARK OF THE COVENANT of the LORD of all the earth passeth over BEFORE you into Jordan." Now, with the Presence of the Lord leading, they begin to live the victorious Christian life. They still have trials, as is seen in verses 15-17. They still had the Jordan River as an obstacle, but with the LORD in His proper position, verse 17 says "And the priest that bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord stood firm on dry ground in the midst of the Jordan, and ALL THE ISRAELITES PASSED OVER ON DRY GROUND, UNTIL ALL THE PEOPLE WERE PASSED CLEAN OVER JORDAN."

The ark of the covenant in the O.T. is a type of Christ in the N.T. and the correlation is simple. When we as Christians, allow the Lord Jesus Christ to LEAD our lives, we can live a victorious Christian life. Oh yes, as saved people, we have all of God there is to get. We have all of the Holy Spirit there is to have, but are we YIELDED to Him? Are we allowing him to have FIRST place in our lives?

Most would answer "yes", but let me ask you a few questions. What do you watch on your television? Is the Lord Jesus pleased with ALL of the content that comes across your television? EVEN THE COMMERCIALS! Christians allow nudity, immorality, cursing, and a multitude of other abominations into their homes via the television set, in the name of "entertainment". I'd say that if you allow this, Jesus Christ is in your midst, but He's not Leading!

What about your dress? Are you content wearing clothing that reveals your flesh to the world? Even if you don't reveal flesh, are you revealing shape? It is a crying shame that in our churches today, a young man has to be on guard with his eyes, as much as he would have to in an amusement park. Why? Because Christian young ladies dress like harlots. Blouses that are so tight, nothing is left to the imagination. Skirts and dresses that are "right at the line" (the knee) and THEN only if pulled down and stretched. I would say, if you're living on the edge, dressing like the world, the Jesus Christ is in your midst, but He is not leading.

What about your Bible and Prayer time? Do you have your personal time with the Lord? Do you read your Bible and Pray? You would not dream of going days at a time without having meaningful communication with your spouse, yet some go days, weeks, months and, sorry to say, even years, without ever having meaningful times of communication with the One they call Saviour. I would say, if this is true in your life, then Jesus is in the midst, but He is not leading.

Many other areas could be addressed. I believe as mature Christians, you can evaluate the dark corners of your heart and answer truthfully, between you and the Lord this question? What is the POSITION of MY POSSESSION?

Christian, let Him Lead! Give Him first place in every area. If there is but one area in your life where He is not in first place, then He is NOT leading in your life. YOU ARE!!!! Let go and Let God Lead. We are merely to Follow.

God Bless You and remember - It's In The King James!

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